Well, its that time of year again, time for my annual pilgrimage to Pomona for the Grand-daddy of all car shows, the Grand National Roadster Show. This was my first attendance without a car parked on the grounds so I attended as a blogger; get in, get pics, get a sandwich, get out.
As usual the show looked just like it has every other year; plenty of well finished cars, plenty of related and unrelated vendors, plenty to look at and plenty to spend on.
I must admit, I'm pretty much jaded on car shows as a whole, but even still, this one keeps me coming back year after year. Maybe its the sheer volume of automobilia in one location, maybe its the wide-eyed dreamer in me, maybe its the familiar faces and familiar fenders, but no matter what it is, for me at least , the GNRS is worth it every year.
I got there at a little before 10 on Saturday morning with a freebie ticket that I got from my O'reilly rep, walked to the gate and right on through. My approach to car shows in general is much the same way i approach a trip to the mall; stay on task, execute the objective, then take in the scenery. The opening hour is always surprisingly lacking in congestion. So armed with my cell phone camera I moved as fast as i could through every square inch of the property to try and snag as many photos as i could without having to battle the ubiquitous, oblivious lookie-loo. I spent good portion of the morning resetting all my adjustments after a master reboot of the phone the day before. What follows is what turned me on.
Truth is, there is so much about ANY show that I don't care about, this one included. but there is ALWAYS enough to get my attention. Enjoy.